Our ministries are as varied as the needs of man. Jesus told us to pray for forgiveness and to forgive others. In the same prayer instruction He spoke about our “daily bread”. Again, He spoke about seeking first the “Kingdom of God” and His righteousness. Clearly there is a real need to minister on several levels. The truly hungry and destitute will have a difficult time seeing past the immediate physical need in order to recognize their spiritual need. Thus, it is our goal to attempt to meet the needs on as many levels as possible.
The bottom line is bringing the lost to a saving knowledge of Christ. We desire to help people to Christ in all the areas of their lives. Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. He grew intellectually, physically, spiritually and socially. We wish to help our Roma friends to do the same.
Our ministries are designed to accomplish these goals to the Glory of God and the Praise of His Son, Jesus!
They include, but are not limited to: Evangelism, Church Planting, Bible Institutes, Physical Support